1. In the poem 'O captain ! My captain'! the captain symbolises
2. Match the following folk arts with the states:
(a) Manipuri 1. Andhrapradesh
(b) Garba 2. Punjab
(c) Bangra 3. Manipur
(d) Kuchipudi 4. Gujarat
(a) (b) (c) (d)
3. Rudyard Kipling, one of the most popular English Poets, was born in
4. Laura Merton's father was a retired
5. Who uttered the following words in the Model Millionaire of Oscar Wilde?
'Millionaire models are rare enough, but by Jove Model Millionaires are rarer still':
6. 'It was only a linnet singing outside the window'. What is a 'linnet'?
7. 'To the Land of Snow' is the trekking experience of the author to
8. What is the height of the Shivalinga in Tanjore temple?
9. Which among the following is wrongly matched?
10. What is the American Word for 'aerial'?